Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cake Balls

1 cake mix
Ingredients needed for cake mix
3/4 can of frosting
1 pkg of Almond Bark or Wilton Confectionary Wafer Coating

Bake the cake according to package instructions. While warm, crumble the cake into a bowl. Using a hand mixer continue to crumble to a fine texture. Mix in frosting to make a paste.

Using a melon baller, small cookie scoop, or your hands form the mixture into 1 ½ -inch balls. (Walnut size) Place the balls on wax paper; freeze uncovered for 2 hours.
Working in small batches, remove the balls from the freezer and dip the balls into warm, melted Almond Bark Coating or Confectionery Wafer Coating, using toothpicks or forks to manipulate the balls. Remove the balls. Place the balls on wax paper to harden

For Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Cake Balls:

Strawberry Cake Mix
Strawberry Frosting
Chocolate Bark

Cake Balls can be drizzled with red melted wafers or sprinkled with decorating sugars or candies.


Keith and Carla said...

I found this recipe at Christmas time. Made them and oh my goodness...they were awesome! It made a good amount so I was able to give some away.

Virginia C said...

I made this recipe yesterday and have given almost all of it away to family. Everyone loved them. Gave them the recipe so they could make their own. Love these simple recipes.