Monday, December 22, 2008

Tips on Being a Good Hostess

Help your guests have a good time. It sounds easy enough, but what’s involved in making that happen?

  • Be comfortable. Your guests will take subconscious clues from you. If you’re laughing, talking to people and having a good time, chances are they will. If the party is at your house, do as much housework as you need to in order to feel the place is presentable. If you’re hosting a gathering at a restaurant make sure you’re confident the coordinator understands your needs. Your comfort will also come from what you’re wearing. Fidgeting and adjusting is distracting for you and your guests.
  • Divide labor. You don’t want to be doing everything or you won’t have to time to spend with your guests. For gatherings held at restaurants or halls, sharing the workload is easier because they staff. For house parties, you’re going to have to do a little recruiting. But there is usually someone who would be glad to keep the music playing; another will make sure there’s enough ice, etc. If you know someone who is exceptionally gregarious, ask them to help you keep your guests mingling.
  • Do your homework. Have a good idea of who your guests will be and what you can do to help them feel comfortable. For example, if many of your guests are elderly have enough places for them to sit. Remember it’s hard to cut meat or eat soups from your lap. Think ahead and plan table space. Card tables work great! They are inexpensive or you can borrow a few from friends.
  • Mingle. As the host, you are bringing these people together. It is your job to help them interact. Don’t spend all your time with the people you know well. At a family function, make an effort to get to know your nephew’s new girlfriend. At an office party, strike up a conversation with the newest employee. Help everyone become acquainted.
  • Essentially, if you are relaxed and have made the comfort of your guests your top priority, most people will have a good time without ever knowing why. That’s another key to being a successful host. Despite all the effort, the party feels natural and easy. Even if you’re feeling anxious before guests arrive once you see your guest having a good time, you will enjoy yourself more.
  • Being an outstanding host or hostess comes naturally for some, but it is a skill that can be learned.
  • A bit of caution: You can’t make people have a good time. If someone is determined to be miserable.

I hope this will help if you plan to host guests the next few days.

Merry Christmas to each of you, my friends!


GT said...

Enjoyed reading your tips. I just blogged a couple days ago about wanting to practice hospitality....literally a couple days ago and this morning my husband let me know that within the next 2 weeks we are going to have 6 houseguest!!

Susan Hill said...

I read your blog about being a great hostess last week and how the elderly lady said you were such a charming hostess. I fretted because of my ladies party at my house! Well, by the time the work was through ahead of time, there was no time to worry! I was just myself and loved everyone here! I cannot tell you how many people that night commented on my being such a "gracious hostess" and I continue to recieve cards to that manner! I do believe that making people feel at home is the greatest task! Thanks again for this blog!!! Keeps the southern girl alive in this California girl!

Karen J. Hopper said...

Merry Christmas - and thanks for all the tips and recipes.